RSS Reviews  (60 - 80 of 169,825)


Early access mod review by 共产主义战士3 Agree (2) Disagree




Early access mod review by 共产主义战士2 Agree (2) Disagree




Early access mod review by 共产主义战士1 Agree (2) Disagree



Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Mod review by Hellscreamx Agree Disagree

No words to describe, awesome units designs, awesome music pack, 17 factions, balance between all these factions, it's impressive. My mind is simply blown by how much the team who created the unification mod made this happen, and a studio like Relic failed to do a proper DoW W40k 3. Congrats to all that made this happen.


Get a Life

Mod review may contain spoilers by omen1592080030 Agree Disagree

This game nails the fever dream experience.
Thrown into random **** with random **** happening without explanation, weird texture choices, uncanny characters, eye-stabbing HUD and UI.

On a more serious note:
And it's not just inexperience on the devs, the tutorial for the stupidly overcomplicated health system is botched. First section we're freezing and a voice tells us to heal ourselves. Second we get a lobotomy of sorts and we're only told to go find a medkit. Third we get ******* shot for no reason, draining almost all our chest health and making our bleed. Explanation for those random symbols in your equipment? Nah, go figure. Also it takes 3(three) medkits to heal out a limb to max, with your total capacity of 9.

The game fails to get my attention, and instead of doing something original, we have the generic blackouts and appearing in some absolutely random place.

Oh have I mentioned button bindings? Go figure. That's right, the game isn't even nice enough to tell us what is the equipment key. Naturally I pressed "I", but for some reason it's under "H". I found out after snooping in the options.

The HUD is weird, badly designed even. The consumable icons feel like they're badly cropped, and the health "bar" is obnoxiously big. The equipment UI isn't any better either. You first get to see it in a colorblind section. And you get blasted with 4 icons. One is a liquid drop inside an explosion, another is a thunder-struck eye, a shooting target (???) and crossed feet. The game doesn't explain anything. Is it for bleeding? Getting my legs cut off? Well go figure, not explained.

That's the review. Oh I only touched the first 20-30 minutes of the game? That's ******* right, I absolutely refuse to play this. After the first combat section I gave up. Gunplay is ****, enemies shoot through walls. Also don't get mislead by the slow-mo button in the options. It's limited. And not like in F.E.A.R. No no no, it's a consumable item. And so I died while trying to use it, as my character picked up a random grenade in the middle of a firefight which triggered a stupidly long animation.

And the models do no justice. It seems fine at first, as it utilizes valve game assets, but once it gets to the custom ones, it dramatically drops in quality (i'd compare this to Crack-Life texture-wise).

But skipping action and mechanics, did this game get my attention via lore or story? there a story to this?

Just don't bother, It's an old mod with wasted potential, and there are better, similiar ones made (Underhell, for example).


Grounded Commonwealth

Mod review by RazReady Agree (1) Disagree

High quality voice acting that exceeds the original in most places. The script changes are a vast improvement on the original making the universe seem much more authentic and real. All around an excellent mod that did what I thought was impossible, it made me want to play Fallout 4 again.


Duke Nukem Forever: Restoration Project

Early access mod review by Stefan045 Agree Disagree

May i say that Duke Nukem Forever 2001 would have blown half-life 1 out of the water had it released in 2002-2003. The levels, altho a bit empty and unfinished in the leak, have such scale that hasnt been seen before, apart from unreal in 1998. I have high hopes for the Resto to finish this game as it was supposed to be released.



Mod review by donster84 Agree Disagree

great mod


The Closure

Mod review by SpazJR61 Agree Disagree

Firstly, Leon put a lot of effort to the mod because I like the map designs and the play time is rather decent too.
But there a lot of changes that really ruin the immersion of Half-Life universe such as HECU soldiers as Metrocops and soldier models from F.E.A.R. and the new weapon models are too out of place as wel. Also the out of place music choice and cutscenes just ruins the immersion.

My final verdict is 6/10


Weapons Mod for Doom (2016)

Mod review by Lord_Reven Agree Disagree

This mod is awesome, I would only change the overall ammo cap. Other than that, it's really DOOM!


Unification Mod - Dawn of War: SoulStorm

Mod review by ConnorBread Agree Disagree

Wonderful mod, truly feels like you are playing Soulstorm with multiple added expansions, with more on the way and a friendly community. I could not recommend it more!


Modern Promod WaW Edition

Mod review by Blacky-BubbleGuNN Agree Disagree

Brilliant for me!
But work on Graphics!!
because Most of CoD players hate the Old graphics which causes a bad feeling for the game -including me, my friends-
with the Mod you can
1- increase Gamma,
And add a Sharpness graphics options
Another thing!
2- If Moving mechanics are Patched, Change the way CoD WaW Character Moves in FPS With a better one Like in Bo2.
I hope you Read and understand my Comment and really Thanks you for the Hard work on the Mod
From Dr.Mustafa Mo



Mod review by BatistaBomb Agree Disagree

Big Chungus hates this mod


GTA Vice City: The Final Remastered Edition

Mod review by carbon_fiber_ Agree Disagree

Copypasting what I commented:

Yo c'mon, this **** is so ******* good. Holy ****. And you don't even need to have the original game. No ******* words. I have been addicted for the past couple of weeks. I can't express how ******* awesome this is. Dear author, you are one of the coolest people to ever set foot on this planet. Thank you.


MelPyth Mod

Mod review by [XD]Renegate Agree Disagree

Although it is very unfortunate no proper AVP CLASSIC 2000 remake of this was ever made, I managed to get working nonetheless with my Steam copy, and even so on Linux.

It's an ancient yet a magnificant mod for rediscovering the single player campaign, although its multiplayer features are completely obsolete as AVP CLASSIC 2000 now has MP through Steam (and uMod obviously works better for MP enhancement)


Grounded Commonwealth

Mod review by hek189 Agree (1) Disagree (5)

what a joke lmao


Black Mesa Sideline

Mod review by lone_cap_warrior Agree Disagree

Good and short modification, just let me rate >_<



Early access mod review by Shishoro-Kua Agree Disagree

Rtx for video cards from Amd and video cards from Nvidia below 2000 series


Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5

Mod review by Promx Agree Disagree

Great mod! Recommended


Grounded Commonwealth

Mod review by Willhutch Agree (2) Disagree

Such a well done, authentic mod. It brings a new playstyle to the game and I am excited to see all of the changes made